
old junk car?
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Author:  the naked prophet [ Mon 10-02-2006 1:33PM ]
Post subject:  old junk car?

Does anybody know of an old junk car somewhere?

Oh yes, and I need to be able to shoot it. I'm just curious as to what protection a car offers (see all those police and bad guys in the movies hiding behind a car?) and if specialty ammunition would make a difference.

I suppose a couple doors would be fine, I could take them with me to the range.

Any ideas?

Author:  zkissane [ Mon 10-02-2006 1:57PM ]
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I don't have or know of one, but I'm curious about the results of such an experiment.

Author:  jthxv [ Mon 10-02-2006 2:00PM ]
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Ask Bonnie and Clyde.....

Author:  Lazer_ninja [ Mon 10-02-2006 2:11PM ]
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Mythbusters did this...
I believe the verdict was that cars offer some protection against pistol rounds, and just offer concealment against rifles.

Aslo, shooting the gas tank makes it drip.

for more info on guns v. other things see:

Author:  Who cares [ Mon 10-02-2006 3:01PM ]
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I don't know of any either...but where's a good place to unload a few rounds? Sorry to answer your question with a question, but my .357 sure could use some exercise.

Author:  LostBoyz [ Mon 10-02-2006 3:22PM ]
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shooting range, road 6020 down 63, almost exactly 13miles past kmart

Author:  karl [ Mon 10-02-2006 4:27PM ]
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Yep, thats a good place... Just took a broken dryer and a tv there last friday, shot them up with an m4, 2 sks's, an m1 garand, a dragnov, some .22, and a 1911. Took some videos too :)

Author:  Spudgunr [ Mon 10-02-2006 4:31PM ]
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karl wrote:
Yep, thats a good place... Just took a broken dryer and a tv there last friday, shot them up with an m4, 2 sks's, an m1 garand, a dragnov, some .22, and a 1911. Took some videos too :)

And like a lot of asshats probably left all the junk there. I hope you know that all that junk that you leave is picked up by a bunch of older men (60's+) to keep the place clean occasionally.

Author:  karl [ Mon 10-02-2006 4:33PM ]
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I imagine it'll be in many pieces within a couple weeks... and oh yeah, calm down... that place hasn't been cleaned in a very long time.

Author:  Spudgunr [ Mon 10-02-2006 6:59PM ]
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karl wrote:
I imagine it'll be in many pieces within a couple weeks... and oh yeah, calm down... that place hasn't been cleaned in a very long time.

Not true, its just that all the rednecks bring their lawn furniture (washing machines, couches, lawn mowers, etc) so much that it turns it to crap in no time. Three weeks after it was cleaned it looked like crap again. Plus it being in many pieces just makes it even worse then, those old guys cannot just pick up one piece of trash, they'll be out there for hours.

Author:  the naked prophet [ Mon 10-02-2006 8:18PM ]
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Yes, people do clean that place regularly. I don't go there any more because it's so crappy. I decided to pay $120 a year for an actual club membership. I can shoot anything I want as long as I clean it up (no glass).

I've seen the box of truth, even suggested a couple of tests. The reason I ask is that I've got some super-hot Israeli 9mm +P+ that I want to see if it will go through a car door better than 9mm FMJ, 9mm +P Gold dots, .40 FMJ or JHP, etc. And while I'm at it, I'll probably try a few other calibers, including the 5.56mm comparing the 62 grain AP (Radway Green) vs. the 55 grain old stuff. Just curiosity.

Author:  jthxv [ Mon 10-02-2006 8:24PM ]
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What do you have to do to get a permit to buy a pistol? What does it cost, and do you have to have multiple permits to buy multiple pistolas...

Author:  CPT Redleg [ Mon 10-02-2006 8:40PM ]
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Ah, the car door of truth. Be sure to post pics and a review on ARF. BTW, the Radway Green is not AP. It's just a regular old SS109 projectile. It does have a steel core but it's not AP. AP would be M995 and the only way you'll see that stuff is on SAW belts in the sandbox. I've never even seen any.

Author:  jacoby0419 [ Mon 10-02-2006 8:53PM ]
Post subject: 

to buy a pistol in phelps county it requires picking one out at a local pawn shop or dealer and then purchasing it. Next you have to go to the phelps county sherrifs office, and apply for a handgun permit it is only for the specific gun you just purchased, it shouldn't take long. Then you go back to where you bought the gun with the paperwork then they run you through another background check and then you get to take your new gun home. this process is different for every county though and for these rules to al=pply you have to be a resident of Phelps county i believe

oh and karl the next time you head down there if you want some company I have been itching to go shooting since i moved down here, just didn't know of anywhere to go.

Author:  the naked prophet [ Tue 10-03-2006 8:42AM ]
Post subject: 

If you go to the sherriff first, you don't have to put the gun on the Permit to Acquire (PTA) - you take the permit with you and fill it out at the store, then you keep a copy and the gun store keeps a copy and sends one copy back to the sherriff. That gives you 30 days to decide what gun you want to get. It costs $10 and involves the exact same background check that you go through at the gun store anyway. It's redundant, and was written after the civil war to keep blacks from getting guns. Some sherriffs are still using it that way (there's a lawsuit going through right now because of the Jackson County Sherriff doing just that - discriminating based on race and sex).

Anyway, I know the Radway Green isn't technically AP, but it's the 62 grain "penetrator" that's supposed to get better penetration at long range than the 55 grain stuff.

If you want to know more about the laws surrounding pistols (always good to avoid felonies and other crimes) you can visit and ask on the forums there.

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