
Happy Complaint Day!
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Author:  ShadowCat38 [ Wed 03-11-2009 11:54AM ]
Post subject:  Happy Complaint Day!

It isn't real, yet. But why not? The wednesday before St. Pats shall here-to-fore be known as complaint day.

Be sure to voice your biggest complaints to everyone, even those who cannot make a difference and couldn't care less. If you get through the day without being ridiculed or punched at least once, you aren't trying hard enough.


SeekIRC wrote:
Here are some excerpts from those already wishing to complain...

[09:49] <Goran> wow im starting to hate my tech comm prof
[09:49] <Goran> I swear he's giving everyone bad grades he wants us all to go to the writing center so they dont close it down
[09:49] <Goran> especially since he's taking over it next sem

[11:20] <Chank> im going to fucking kill the havener workers
[11:20] <Chank> they
[11:20] <Chank> 're goddamn morons

Author:  Twilyte [ Wed 03-11-2009 12:01PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

Yay for angry drunken ramblings!


Author:  el_lorenzo [ Wed 03-11-2009 1:40PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

I strongly dislike professors that have 2.5 hour class at 6:00 the night before a break, particularly this week. Long story short, I don't want to go to class tonight. It's ridiculous. I doubt that we're going to cover anything important anyway. We'll probably just talk about the assigned readings for 2 hours.

Also, St Pats is not an excuse to get drunk at 10:00 in the morning or earlier. It's still tacky and quite dumb, no matter what holiday it is. Sitting outside on a couch getting hammered before class and yelling at people as they walk by isn't tradition, it's retarded and in bad taste.

Author:  LostBoyz [ Wed 03-11-2009 1:45PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

you need to try it before you dislike it

Author:  calculusninja [ Wed 03-11-2009 2:03PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

It pisses me off when professors purposely neglect to respond to your email. I sent an e-mail to my advisor and I know she got it, because she's been sending out unrelated listserv e-mails. But she won't respond to me, and it's been nearly a week. It's not about anything important, just, uh, graduation. Not that it matters or anything.

Also, professors, attend yer damn office hours. I made a special trip out to get help on homework during the prescribed office hour time, and no such luck. Arrggh.

Author:  ben laden [ Wed 03-11-2009 2:08PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

LostBoyz wrote:
you need to try it before you dislike it


Author:  Twilyte [ Wed 03-11-2009 2:46PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

LostBoyz wrote:
you need to try it before you dislike it

Getting off of his high horse would help too.

Author:  Beats [ Wed 03-11-2009 3:02PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

Its too damn cold outside today.

Author:  Tom Green [ Wed 03-11-2009 4:36PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

PenguinZ wrote:
Its too damn cold outside today.


I hate lazy people who push the handicapped button to open the door for them and then stand there for a couple seconds to wait for it to completely open before they enter. Get out of the fucking way! People are behind you who also want to enter the building... besides... it's too damn cold outside.

I also hate it when people walk on the ramp between the library and HSS when they're perfectly capable of navigating three stairs... and you're trying to ride a bike up the ramp without mowing people over. That place is too narrow for a clusterfuck of people, especially if you're on a fixed gear. Also, just in general when two or three people walk side by side agonizingly slow and block the entire sidewalk and you're on a bike behind them and they refuse to move. Just kindly move over for a couple seconds....

I also hate all your gay frat carvings on desks. Nobody gives a shit what fraternity you are in.

Author:  Chankster [ Wed 03-11-2009 5:09PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

Tom Green wrote:
Also, just in general when two or three people walk side by side agonizingly slow and block the entire sidewalk and you're on a bike behind them and they refuse to move. Just kindly move over for a couple seconds....

It's sweet how there's that whole grass concept area that you can ride on. It's also cool how sidewalks were originally made for pedestrians.

Author:  ben laden [ Wed 03-11-2009 5:23PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

Tom Green wrote:
I also hate it when people walk on the ramp between the library and HSS when they're perfectly capable of navigating three stairs... and you're trying to ride a bike up the ramp without mowing people over. That place is too narrow for a clusterfuck of people, especially if you're on a fixed gear.

Try being on a longboard where you can't break and take into account jackasses that have an iPod or phone to their ear so they can't hear you coming behind them.

Author:  Kamakazi [ Wed 03-11-2009 6:14PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

ben laden wrote:
Tom Green wrote:
I also hate it when people walk on the ramp between the library and HSS when they're perfectly capable of navigating three stairs... and you're trying to ride a bike up the ramp without mowing people over. That place is too narrow for a clusterfuck of people, especially if you're on a fixed gear.

Try being on a longboard where you can't break and take into account jackasses that have an iPod or phone to their ear so they can't hear you coming behind them.

The obvious solution here is don't ride a long board.

Author:  Chankster [ Wed 03-11-2009 6:23PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

<Chankster> people are like OHNOES i was trying to drive on the sidewalk and there were these pesky pedestrians getting in my way

Author:  Kamakazi [ Wed 03-11-2009 6:24PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

Chankster wrote:
<Chankster> people are like OHNOES i was trying to drive on the sidewalk and there were these pesky pedestrians getting in my way

Quoting yourself......not sure if that is sad or just an awesome way to get your point across...

Author:  Tom Green [ Wed 03-11-2009 6:59PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Complaint Day!

for the record, normally i do just go onto the grass with my mountain bike, little harder on road bikes tho... and it's just those few places you can't do that... and one particular time this winter when we had all that snow that happened and i finally got pissed and tried to just barrel around through 6 inches of snow... didn't work out so well.

EDIT: besides, you're supposed to be coming up with more stuff to bitch about, not pointing out all the flaws in the things i bitched about!

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