
Navy Railgun
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Author:  mad duck [ Sat 05-24-2008 8:54PM ]
Post subject:  Navy Railgun

Let me sum up with a diagram:


Author:  el_lorenzo [ Sat 05-24-2008 9:36PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Navy Railgun

U.S.S. Starship Enterprise (186,411 miles)

photon torpedo, ftw

(btw, not a trekkie, just a bored college student not at college)

Author:  kjk437 [ Sat 05-24-2008 11:52PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Navy Railgun

Heard about this. No explosives, it just hits a target so fast it utterly destroys it.

Author:  blitzvergnugen [ Sun 05-25-2008 1:11PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Navy Railgun

i believe the navy has had to upgrade nuclear reactors or add a separate one just to power the guns..

Author:  benm [ Sun 05-25-2008 3:36PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Navy Railgun


Author:  amd2800barton [ Sun 06-01-2008 11:18PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Navy Railgun

... is that a star destroyer in your little MS Paint graph? :lol:

Author:  blitzvergnugen [ Thu 06-05-2008 9:35PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Navy Railgun

I think this is the class of destroyer they'll be putting the railgun on

Author:  Galvatron96 [ Mon 06-09-2008 1:35PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Navy Railgun

has NASA ever tried using a railgun to put shit into space? it would prolly take a shitload more energy, but it'd be wicked cool.

Author:  LostBoyz [ Mon 06-09-2008 1:39PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Navy Railgun

it would be extremely difficult to keep what ever 'shit' was being launched intact, and even more difficult to get it into a stable orbit.

Author:  Galvatron96 [ Mon 06-09-2008 3:04PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Navy Railgun

Oh I wholeheartedly agree, being an AE, but it would be incredibly badass

Author:  Chankster [ Mon 06-09-2008 8:22PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Navy Railgun

Galvatron96 wrote:
has NASA ever tried using a railgun to put shit into space? it would prolly take a shitload more energy, but it'd be wicked cool.

Why would it have to be a railgun? Why not just have massive metal rods that fall from the sky?

Author:  amd2800barton [ Sat 06-14-2008 12:09AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Navy Railgun

Chankster wrote:
Galvatron96 wrote:
has NASA ever tried using a railgun to put shit into space? it would prolly take a shitload more energy, but it'd be wicked cool.

Why would it have to be a railgun? Why not just have massive metal rods that fall from the sky?

This was from an old issue of popular science. I believe that they surmised that the rods would have to be 6 feet in diamater and made of a titanium alloy to survive reentry. But i'm sure there are other ways - i've thought this myself several times.

Right now a number of treaties prevent space from being weaponized (remember the backlash against shooting down "dangerous" satelites). I know that anything nuclear is not allowed in space by international law and treaties (other than ICBMs), and a number of other weapons are illegial. i wonder how putting a giant bullet in space would go over (really i do)

but honestly - its only a matter of time before "Pirates of the Asteroid Belt". seriously though - i highly doubt that space will remain forever neutral and criminal/terrorist/bad-guy free.

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