
Election '08
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Author:  the naked prophet [ Wed 11-05-2008 8:51AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

The shooting will start in under 49 months from this day.

Author:  LostBoyz [ Wed 11-05-2008 9:07AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

the naked prophet wrote:
The shooting will start in under 49 months from this day.

/me is excited

Author:  Cylord [ Wed 11-05-2008 9:38AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08




Author:  Altaica [ Wed 11-05-2008 9:53AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

benm wrote:
Technically since McCain won Missouri, none of us can be responsible for Obama winning the election considering any votes for him had no effect on the number of electoral college votes he received...

Not that it matters now, but I don't think Missouri has been called still, though the Secretary of State results show McCain slightly ahead. I wonder if there's a hold-up because it's so close, or perhaps because McCain didn't win a majority?

Author:  berto [ Wed 11-05-2008 9:54AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

Altaica wrote:
benm wrote:
Technically since McCain won Missouri, none of us can be responsible for Obama winning the election considering any votes for him had no effect on the number of electoral college votes he received...

Not that it matters now, but I don't think Missouri has been called still, though the Secretary of State results show McCain slightly ahead. I wonder if there's a hold-up because it's so close, or perhaps because McCain didn't win a majority?

Or they're fudging the results to keep our streak of picking the winner going.

Author:  Altaica [ Wed 11-05-2008 10:02AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

berto wrote:
Altaica wrote:
benm wrote:
Technically since McCain won Missouri, none of us can be responsible for Obama winning the election considering any votes for him had no effect on the number of electoral college votes he received...

Not that it matters now, but I don't think Missouri has been called still, though the Secretary of State results show McCain slightly ahead. I wonder if there's a hold-up because it's so close, or perhaps because McCain didn't win a majority?

Or they're fudging the results to keep our streak of picking the winner going.

Could be... I did some more looking around after my post and found a CBS news blog from just a bit ago mentioning that provisional ballots have yet to be counted.

Author:  the naked prophet [ Wed 11-05-2008 1:02PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

Hmmm... change. It seems he picked the cabinet members he picked are all the same one that were Clinton's cabinet. Who is it that keeps saying "more of the same?"

Author:  ben laden [ Wed 11-05-2008 2:11PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

I believe he was referring to the last 8 years....

Author:  Agentzak [ Wed 11-05-2008 3:40PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

A new direction is not by definition a direction that was being taken 8 years ago. That would be an old direction.

True, it still would be a change from the present but not a change from the past. It would be nice if we got some real change and smacked the government down to the size it should be.

Did anyone catch Nader's concession speech. He talked about how he talked to the editors of the major newspapers and the big media. He asked them why they only cover the two big parties and pay no attention to small parties like him.

"Because we know that you aren't going to win"
"Well then why do you cover the Washington Nationals?"

The man has a point.

Author:  berto [ Wed 11-05-2008 4:29PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

How about we let him actually take office and see what happens before everyone starts bashing him? I mean, shit, if people voted Bush in for eight years, why the hell are republicans still talking like they even deserve to look down on Obama? You lost that right putting up the world's biggest self-serving douchebag in office. I'm sure Obama won't do any worse.

I don't know what's going to happen, but a big part of me hopes that Obama rocks the presidency and shoves his big, black, presidential cock down your throats.

Author:  cmptrnrd16 [ Wed 11-05-2008 4:35PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

berto wrote:
How about we let him actually take office and see what happens before everyone starts bashing him? I mean, shit, if people voted Bush in for eight years, why the hell are republicans still talking like they even deserve to look down on Obama? You lost that right putting up the world's biggest self-serving douchebag in office. I'm sure Obama won't do any worse.

I don't know what's going to happen, but a big part of me hopes that Obama rocks the presidency and shoves his big, black, presidential cock down your throats.

First of all...gross.

Also, McCain is a bigger self-serving douchebag than Bush.
Oh, and finally, the internet waits to bash no one.

Author:  Agentzak [ Wed 11-05-2008 4:46PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

I don't need to wait before bashing Obama because I paid attention to what he said and did in Illinois and while I'm at it I'll bash on the republican side also. I considered the election lost right after the primaries since they are and always were for bigger government. When someone that is really for freedom and change and is willing to give it all to get it shows up, then I'll get out and go crazy. Until then, it's just more socialist, big government, Constitution hating, two party, partisan fucks running.

Author:  tommytomtomtom [ Wed 11-05-2008 6:36PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

Agentzak wrote:
I don't need to wait before bashing Obama because I paid attention to what he said and did in Illinois and while I'm at it I'll bash on the republican side also. I considered the election lost right after the primaries since they are and always were for bigger government. When someone that is really for freedom and change and is willing to give it all to get it shows up, then I'll get out and go crazy. Until then, it's just more socialist, big government, Constitution hating, two party, partisan fucks running.

Hahahahahaha, its 2008 dude, the government isn't getting any smaller. The train has left the station. What you need is a time machine.

Author:  Agentzak [ Wed 11-05-2008 7:16PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

I know it isn't getting any smaller and it will only continue to grow as things get worse.

Author:  zkissane [ Thu 11-06-2008 11:28AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Election '08

berto wrote:
How about we let him actually take office and see what happens before everyone starts bashing him? I mean, shit, if people voted Bush in for eight years, why the hell are republicans still talking like they even deserve to look down on Obama? You lost that right putting up the world's biggest self-serving douchebag in office. I'm sure Obama won't do any worse.

I don't know what's going to happen, but a big part of me hopes that Obama rocks the presidency and shoves his big, black, presidential cock down your throats.

Hmm... I seem to remember when liberals got their panties in a twist (and rightly so, for what it's worth) over the "if you don't support Bush you're not patriotic" meme. But now, when the winds change, they change their tune to "if you don't support Obama you must love that miserable failure Bush". Don't liberals hate it when people stereotype?

I love double standards.

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