
Man Drip
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Author:  EightlbDong [ Tue 01-28-2003 2:13PM ]
Post subject: 

You know what I really hate? The man drip. Sometimes, it doesnt matter how much you shake your dick after you pee, you still get those two drops that go down your leg when you put your dick away. Just a pet peeve that I have. I think my dick is just mad at me for the lack of pussy to be found here. Oh which reminds me, fuck you guys from St. Louis who get to go back and bang your old girlfriends from HS.

Author:  Pin2Hot [ Tue 01-28-2003 4:35PM ]
Post subject: 

Hey, what high shcool did you go to?

Author:  farva [ Tue 01-28-2003 4:36PM ]
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I went to an all boys school.

Author:  EightlbDong [ Tue 01-28-2003 5:26PM ]
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On 01-28-2003 16:35 Pin2Hot wrote:
Hey, what high shcool did you go to?

St. Louis fags

Author:  farva [ Tue 01-28-2003 5:41PM ]
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you're the .....St. Louis!

Author:  [4N] Swagz [ Tue 01-28-2003 6:56PM ]
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On 01-28-2003 16:36 farva wrote:
I went to an all boys school.

which one? there are a lot

Author:  farva [ Tue 01-28-2003 8:19PM ]
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The one and only...SLUH.

Author:  zkissane [ Wed 01-29-2003 2:52AM ]
Post subject: 

While I do find the man drip irritating, what I find more irritating is ass hair. It just seems to hold shit better than any toilet paper can. What sort of evolutionary process produced this? I would think that evolution would favor organisms that can get as far away from their own shit as possible.

Author:  nullterminator [ Wed 01-29-2003 3:00AM ]
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dominates pussies from sluh

Author:  farva [ Wed 01-29-2003 4:44PM ]
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Rock State..huh, what the hell is that? Are you trying to say Rock Hurst!?!? Just because you guys have Cocksucking 101 and Dynamics of Flying Giz doesn't mean you're better than us. Plus, I would like to know why you think so, better be some good reasons.

Author:  nsrbb5 [ Thu 01-30-2003 1:10PM ]
Post subject: 

yeah dude, ass hair blows. especailly when your trying to use shitty generic TP. and so do chicks here they suck too. and so does private school. so stupid. westsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide hey ketchel high schools are cool righ tketchel

Author:  [4N] Swagz [ Thu 01-30-2003 3:22PM ]
Post subject: 

sluh... at least its a jesuit school.. thats about it though

Author:  EightlbDong [ Fri 01-31-2003 4:13PM ]
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On 01-30-2003 13:10 nsrbb5 wrote:
westsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide hey ketchel high schools are cool righ tketchel

I had a blast in High School, I just realized that I am not going to high school anymore, so I stopped living vicariously through my own high school self.

Man, back in High School..., dude, my high school is so much cooler than...., what high school did you go to?... Translation... I am a loser.

Author:  Diesel [ Sat 02-01-2003 6:27PM ]
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On 01-29-2003 2:52 zkissane wrote:
While I do find the man drip irritating, what I find more irritating is ass hair. It just seems to hold shit better than any toilet paper can. What sort of evolutionary process produced this? I would think that evolution would favor organisms that can get as far away from their own shit as possible.

Evolutionary reason for ass and pubic hair is that places like your ass and genitals are constantly being rubbed together when you walk, run, etc. In order to reduce the damage to the skin in those areas, you have hair there. Instead of the heat from rubbing being directed to the skin, the hair takes the brunt of the punishment. Still, it does make a shitty situation when you can't get all the crap off. Just think of the alternative, though. Everytime you go for a jog, you'd have to sprinkle baby powder all over yourself or get raw as hell.

Author:  A Coward [ Sat 03-20-2004 11:26PM ]
Post subject: 

I miss having 8lbdong posting all the time

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