
=Need Help with Hydravision
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Author:  mop [ Sun 03-14-2004 12:43PM ]
Post subject:  =Need Help with Hydravision

I cant get the desktop manager of Hydravision to detect my second monitor is a crt plugging in the dvi slot through an adapter.

Author:  mop [ Sun 03-14-2004 12:51PM ]
Post subject: 

What i want to do with Hyrdavision is combine Desktop Manager and MultiDesk so i can have two different demensions of my desktop, 1 on each monitor. Is that possible?

Author:  WhtHawk [ Mon 03-15-2004 7:51AM ]
Post subject: 

So you wan't each monitor at a different resolution?

In anycase Hydravision sucks. I'm running 3 monitors on ATI cards and hydravision just isn't up to snuff.

Use Ultramon. It's awesome. :wink:


Author:  mop [ Mon 03-15-2004 5:56PM ]
Post subject: 

I want each monitor to have a different demension instead of changing demensions on one monitor. ill check it out.

Author:  WhtHawk [ Mon 03-15-2004 6:02PM ]
Post subject: 

Hydravision likes rectangular desktops. Which means that each monitor has the same resolution (ie 1024x768, 800x600, ect...)

I use UltraMon to run two 19" at 1280X960 and a third at 800x600. Hydravision had a cow. It's dead now, *wispers* "We didn't like her very much. she was mean to other people."

Author:  gearbot [ Thu 03-18-2004 9:41AM ]
Post subject: 

does anyone have a problem with interference between two monitors that are right next to each other? since im running a high resolution and low refresh rate there's a disturbance in my monitors. i want to keep both monitors at the same high resolution but is there anyother way to get rid of it? maybe shielding?

Author:  ShadowCat38 [ Thu 03-18-2004 10:45AM ]
Post subject: 

Is there a way to have 2 monitors and one video card?

Author:  Marvin [ Thu 03-18-2004 11:17AM ]
Post subject: 

ShadowCat38 wrote:
Is there a way to have 2 monitors and one video card?

If your one video card has two monitor outputs.

Author:  Swirls [ Thu 03-18-2004 11:26AM ]
Post subject: 

Hmm... My monitor has an S-Video out. But I doubt you can find an S-Video to CRT connector, can you?

Author:  WhtHawk [ Thu 03-18-2004 12:24PM ]
Post subject: 

gearbot wrote:
does anyone have a problem with interference between two monitors that are right next to each other? since im running a high resolution and low refresh rate there's a disturbance in my monitors. i want to keep both monitors at the same high resolution but is there anyother way to get rid of it? maybe shielding?

I had that problem, when the monitors that sat next to each other were on the same video card. I added a seccond video card and moved the two on my first video card to either side of the one on the second. Fixed my problem. I'm pretty sure it has somthing to do with the way the refresh rates sync with each other.

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