
Sex Ed. --- BAD
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Author:  the naked prophet [ Fri 03-19-2004 8:50PM ]
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the problem with the birds and bees is this... they be doesn't sting you until it's caught.

Author:  moo [ Sat 03-20-2004 1:51AM ]
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pigeonhole, I think I disagree with just about every one of your opinions. Why tell pre-teen girls how to have safe sex? Why should pre-teen girls be having sex? They shouldn't if the parent does their job. You should tell them about all that when they hit puberty, but until then there shouldn't be a point and it would just make the little girl curious and want to try this "adult" activity. And like you said that this isn't a perfect world, well it isn't. But why not try to make it as perfect as you can? Sitting back and doing nothing because the world isn't perfect would be an ideal that would destroy the world and modern society.

And once again, it seems, naked prophet is right. And yes sutherlands, it worries me too. People are becoming to liberal and thinking everything should be free to everyone. We should be free to distribute whatever information to whoever we want, do whatever we want, and not have any consequences for this. The fact is their are things you have to shield children from and if you don't they will most likely end up scarred for life and probably end up in prison. There is a reason why parents are the GUARDIANS for their children, and that is to guard them from things like this.

Author:  ShadowCat38 [ Sat 03-20-2004 3:39PM ]
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moo wrote:
...There is a reason why parents are the GUARDIANS for their children, and that is to guard them from things like this.

Well said

Author:  John Bono [ Sun 03-21-2004 12:13AM ]
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the naked prophet wrote:
of course not, well, not if you don't believe sex outside of marriage is immoral. my whole point is that the people who advocate the "teaching children to be safe" don't believe sex outside of marriage is wrong, and they certainly don't teach that. they're actively teaching that anything they want to do sexually is okay, just wear a condom.

even if a teacher believes sex outside of marriage is wrong, "teaching children to be safe" does nothing more than tell kids it's okay. it just doesn't work to tell kids (or anyone) "don't do this, but when you do, do it this way." that's effectively giving them permission to do it. it's like saying "don't drive drunk, but when you do, only drive 20 mph" or "don't cheat on your tests, but when you do, change the answers a little so it doesn't look copied." it's a little safer, but it's still wrong.

Mmmmm.... supply-side Jesus...

Sutherlands: we've gone over the immorality vs. violating anothers' rights topic before--stop acting like they're the same thing.

Author:  moo [ Sun 03-21-2004 3:25AM ]
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well, they actually sort of are.

and once again, bono is a complete smacktard.

Author:  WhtHawk [ Sun 03-21-2004 3:23PM ]
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When I had my Sex Ed Class, during fifth grade, it was a five day class in the evening. There was one class for guys and another for girls. Guys got the speal about what going to happen with this puberty thing we were going to do soon. There were quizes about anatomy, puzzels, and films. The most explicit was thing was a cut-away full collor illustration of the male anatomy. One day was devoted to learning about the oppostite gender where the most illustrative thing was a line drawing of a cut-away of th female lower torso, with the repoductive systems highlighted. Here is what was good about it, Our parents enrolled and stayed with us during the entire class.

Bam, problems solved. Parents don't have to bring up the subject of sex on their own. While there were mention of contraceptives, there was no instruction as for their use. The actual act of sex was also left to clinical definitions. At the end of the class there was a question and answer session where anyone could ask questions. Some of the parents directed their questions to answer questions they seemed uncomfortable answering. In the end, everyone was educated, the sex barrier had fallen, and parents didn't have to initaiate the discussion. Its a win for everone, and since the parent is there they know exactly what their son/daughter is learning so there is no ambiguity about the subject tought or the material used.

In conclusion, parents need to have a more active role with thier child. If their child has nothing better to do at 8-10 then watch pornography, there is a serious problem deeper than Sexual Edcation.

spelling errors fixed

Author:  moo [ Sun 03-21-2004 6:48PM ]
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whthawk, i agree with you completely and that is how things should be done. too bad it's not the way it's done everywhere or some parents are too lazy to attend things such as that.

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