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Author:  mad duck [ Fri 03-02-2007 1:37AM ]
Post subject:  PS3/Wii/X360

Which one to get?

..and go.

Author:  LostBoyz [ Fri 03-02-2007 2:51AM ]
Post subject: 

wow, tough choice.

I have had 360 since launch and since I have also had xbl since beta it is an amazing combo. So i went with that.

Wii is definitely#2 for me, give it time to get some games under its belt and it may be my #1.

Author:  kjk437 [ Fri 03-02-2007 6:48AM ]
Post subject:  Re: PS3/Wii/X360

mad duck wrote:
Which one to get?

..and go.

I like my 360 quite a bit. I have the fabled Wii60 combo, but I find myself playing my 360 a lot more than the Wii. I can't speak for the PS3, but it looks like a fine system, just the price turned me off.

The choice is yours. They're all good, but I like my 360. Really enjoying GoW and Crackdown right now.

Author:  yashi [ Fri 03-02-2007 1:37PM ]
Post subject: 

That IS a pretty tough question actually. I also can't speak for the PS3, since I've only played it once for about 2 minutes at Wal-Mart... and my neck still hurts from that.

Right now I would have to lean towards the Wii mainly because I can pick up a remote and play a quick game of bowling or something even if I only have 5-10 minutes to burn. But 360 has way more good games right now, so I have no idea.

Author:  chaswr7 [ Fri 03-02-2007 3:09PM ]
Post subject: 

i agree that it is a tough choice. Im pretty happy with my PS3, but wouldnt mind having a 360 or Wii for a few of the exclusive games.

Author:  karl [ Fri 03-02-2007 4:39PM ]
Post subject: 

I've got a 360 and a Wii, and while the Wii is pretty damn awesome, I haven't turned it on since January. I don't play my 360 very often either, but the longest it ever sits is just a few days. I vote 360... I'll get a PS3 when GT5 comes out.

Author:  amd2800barton [ Fri 03-02-2007 8:32PM ]
Post subject: 

i'll get a PS3 when i pass one in a dumpster. shouldn't be too long.

Author:  darkt0aster [ Fri 03-02-2007 11:05PM ]
Post subject: 

karl wrote:
I've got a 360 and a Wii, and while the Wii is pretty damn awesome, I haven't turned it on since January. I don't play my 360 very often either, but the longest it ever sits is just a few days. I vote 360... I'll get a PS3 when GT5 comes out.

Being a long-time fan of Gran Turismo (assuming this is what you mean by GT5) since the first in the series, I was suprised to find I enjoyed Forza more than GT4 after playing it for the first time a few weeks ago. With forza 2 coming out for the X360 in March, GT5 would have to be pretty damn good for me to consider a PS3.

Forza-GT debates aside, I went with the X360 in this poll. It's still considerably less expensive, and nearly every worthwhile game for the PS3 is also available on the X360. Once I found out that Armored Core 4 and GTA IV would both be available on the X360 (in addition to my little Forza experience) there was no doubt left in my mind as to which one I would pick.

As for the Wii, I can't honestly weigh in on it beyond speculation. It just seems a little too limited and proprietary.

Author:  zerf25 [ Mon 03-12-2007 5:25PM ]
Post subject: 

I own a Wii and an XBox 360 and if I could only get one I would probably pick the PS3. PS3 has the motion sensing of the Wii and they are getting Miis with theit PlayStation Home. The PS3 also has the advanced graphis and processing power it take to really offer a great sim experience. The PS3 just has the greatest potential. AND it seems as if Blue-Ray is winning for the time being.

Author:  ShadowCat38 [ Mon 03-12-2007 11:27PM ]
Post subject: 

I could live with an Xbox 1 and a Wii. The wii is just too fun for me to pass up. Although the game selection for the X360 is much broader, it has been out longer than the wii, and if the wii's popularity keeps up, I wouldn't be surprised to see a much broader game selection blossom up for the wii.

Revolution would still have been a better name.

Author:  amd2800barton [ Mon 03-12-2007 11:38PM ]
Post subject: 

ShadowCat38 wrote:
Revolution would still have been a better name.

its not quite as "mom-friendly" that way though. "Wii" is cute and childish, playful - whereas "revolution" is more aggressive and mature.

Author:  Worseley [ Mon 03-12-2007 11:39PM ]
Post subject: 

zerf25 wrote:
I own a Wii and an XBox 360 and if I could only get one I would probably pick the PS3. PS3 has the motion sensing of the Wii and they are getting Miis with theit PlayStation Home. The PS3 also has the advanced graphis and processing power it take to really offer a great sim experience. The PS3 just has the greatest potential. AND it seems as if Blue-Ray is winning for the time being.

lol, yeah but when are they going to create something of their own? (motion sensing? Mii?)

What's next? They'll throw rumble back in and screw all the dedicated fans who bought early.

Author:  ShadowCat38 [ Tue 03-13-2007 12:32AM ]
Post subject: 

Worseley wrote:
They'll throw rumble back in and screw all the dedicated fans who bought early.

That's the Sony way! Expect nothing less (or more, for that matter).

Author:  LostBoyz [ Tue 03-13-2007 10:50AM ]
Post subject: 

Worseley wrote:

What's next? They'll throw rumble back in and screw all the dedicated fans who bought early.

o wait thats what they are doing, because when the said "rumble isnt necessary" they were just foolin around

Author:  kjk437 [ Tue 03-13-2007 12:41PM ]
Post subject: 

LostBoyz wrote:
Worseley wrote:

What's next? They'll throw rumble back in and screw all the dedicated fans who bought early.

o wait thats what they are doing, because when the said "rumble isnt necessary" they were just foolin around

And by foolin' around, we mean not settling with Immersion.

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