
Starcraft 2
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Author:  Antster63 [ Sun 09-19-2010 8:08PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft 2

I currently play (when I can), Terran. I've been learning some tricks for online play, however, its just more practice that I need. I appreciate the help, thanks!

Author:  Fall0ut-Boy [ Mon 09-20-2010 4:35PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft 2

The biggest tip for a beginner is to get a build order that you know by heart. Something that will get you set up for a timing attack. Having a plan and knowing what you plan on building before you do it is the biggest problem most ppl face. So either find a build order you like and do it until you got it memorized. I will link you to one build order break down video I did for Terran players when they play vs a Protoss. Thats part one. Go over what to build when and when to attack so it covers the basics.

Author:  Worseley [ Wed 09-22-2010 8:38AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft 2


Author:  Fall0ut-Boy [ Wed 09-22-2010 5:08PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft 2

Calling that strat horrible is kind of funny, b/c then you later say it works? So which is it horrible or it works? I guess trying to copy a world class Korean Starcraft 2 player isn't good enough for you? I would love to see how you would improve on it. Maybe you just didn't watch all 3 parts of the video, where the weakness of the strat is clearly explained. And that stuff you called math right there, now that was missleading. You add up the cost of 8 probes to the cost of buildings, yet you don't add up all the missing income that is lost from losing the 8 workers. I don't know how good you are at this game but losing 8-9 workers that early in the game is as good as losing it entirely. Even getting half of the workers kills there is what some would call a great harass. It's not like you buy the starport and then throw it away after you make one banshee, you keep making banshees.

When debating the effectiveness of a strat people always use this key word "IF", well if he had blink he would have owned you..... well scouting with the factory gave him the intel that there was a very slim chance that there was going to be no blink incoming. The fact is he didn't have blink, and with proper scouting play you can know that. The whole point of the video wasn't to get Anster to do it, but more to understand what a build order is how and it helps improve your game. I can assure you a bad build order is much better then just making one up on the spot.

Author:  EngulfedInShadow [ Wed 09-22-2010 5:19PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft 2

that strategy is pretty awesome, ive won every time 1v1 when i use it and i made an alteration and use it 2v2 but i also play random so its not as common i get the tvp matchup

Author:  Worseley [ Sat 09-25-2010 10:09AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft 2


Author:  EngulfedInShadow [ Sat 09-25-2010 2:14PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft 2

is this a serious response? i loled

Author:  Fall0ut-Boy [ Tue 09-28-2010 1:24PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft 2

Worseley wrote:
For ONE you don't have to build a factory to get a starport, start building it then get your Starport going at the same time... cancel factory (free banshee).

Umm, no. That doesn't work. You have to complete a factory before you can start building a starport. So sorry no FREE banshee.


Author:  FridayMooN [ Tue 10-19-2010 12:27PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft 2

Terran is the easiest race to play (even after this nerf patches). The Marine/Medivac/Marauder start works against almost anything with little to no micro required.

Some general pointers:

-always be building workers (even when you're mineral line is saturated as you would want to expand later)
-don't get supply blocked
-keep your minerals low
-scout (you would win handful of games alone)
-get on top of your race's special features (mule, chrono boost, larva inject)

^A good handle on the above should place you solidly into platinum league (which is where I am).

Author:  doop [ Thu 10-28-2010 9:42AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Starcraft 2

Used to be a competitive broodwar player way back in the day (~2000-2002).

Have only played a little sc2 this semester (been busy practicing for a tournament in china for a different game), but there's a few good sites if you enjoy learning more about the game.

Most are well known, but that's besides the point.

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