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Who are you voting for?
Obama/Biden 55%  55%  [ 32 ]
McCain/Palin 31%  31%  [ 18 ]
Other 13%  13%  [ 8 ]
Total votes : 58
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 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Mon 11-03-2008 3:25PM 
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Joined: Wed 08-18-2004 9:55AM
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Obama wants to reinstate the AWB and have capacity restrictions on magazines... Looking at his voting record on gun control in the past, we will probably end up only having a single shot .22s.

Obama wants to give judges more leeway to modify mortgages for homeowners who cannot afford to make payments. This is just stupid. The housing market needed an adjustment, let it happen.

McKain wants to keep a lot of the small issues like abortion and gay marriage as state issues...like it should be

Everybody already knows about the tax policies. Redistribution of the wealth = socialism period.

There are a lot of other things but I don't have the time.

The one thing I thought Obama had going for him was the decriminilization of Marijuana but he picked Biden as a running mate who is big on the War on Drugs so I don't see that happening.

 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Mon 11-03-2008 4:08PM 
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berto wrote:

Both of you kids (LB and NP), and I'm calling you kids neglecting age because both of your stances are so completely closed-minded it's as retarded as a 4 year old child, don't realize it won't destroy the nation in four years. It usually takes just a *bit* longer than four years for policies that presidents put into place to take effect. And to be honest, it isn't like Obama can really do much more damage to this country with it in its current position. And are you seriously going to tell me McCain's policies are any better? I lol @ you if you do. The only thing I think is idiotic about Obama is his health care plan. Everything else is about even for both candidates.

Except, Obama's commercials don't suck.

Oh, and calling shady voting tactics into play with your probably favorite president ever, Bush, in office? LOLOLOL.


total destruction? no. Im not sure how that makes me close minded to think he wont be a good president.

obama is good because he has a better marketing team? or at least one that appeals to you?

and what shady practices did bush use? oh you mean the electoral college? ya what a scheme.

Rolla survivor

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 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Mon 11-03-2008 4:24PM 
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Source: Holtman Hall
jake23l wrote:
Obama wants to reinstate the AWB and have capacity restrictions on magazines... Looking at his voting record on gun control in the past, we will probably end up only having a single shot .22s.

Obama wants to give judges more leeway to modify mortgages for homeowners who cannot afford to make payments. This is just stupid. The housing market needed an adjustment, let it happen.

McKain wants to keep a lot of the small issues like abortion and gay marriage as state issues...like it should be

Everybody already knows about the tax policies. Redistribution of the wealth = socialism period.

There are a lot of other things but I don't have the time.

The one thing I thought Obama had going for him was the decriminilization of Marijuana but he picked Biden as a running mate who is big on the War on Drugs so I don't see that happening.

Yeah, we're ONLY going to have one weapon. It isn't like the house or senate have any common sense about what the constitution says. How is the mortgage thing any different than the bailout plan? Both candidates have ideas for helping financial institutions, not just Obama. But I love how you focus solely on Obama. And I'd rather have Obama's tax policies than the ones currently helping the rich. What is the difference between helping the rich and helping the poor? There is no difference. It's socialism in reverse right now if you want to play those cards.

And yes, because Joe Biden has that much sway. Once again, things don't solely rely on one person.

LostBoyz wrote:

total destruction? no. Im not sure how that makes me close minded to think he wont be a good president.

obama is good because he has a better marketing team? or at least one that appeals to you?

and what shady practices did bush use? oh you mean the electoral college? ya what a scheme.

Yes, because I only had that in mind when I called you closed-minded. Disregarding the fact of the term closed-minded of course. Look up the term and look at the reasons you hate Obama. I don't think McCain is pure evil, but I don't disagree with him in every aspect either. Every time I hear you arguing McCain, your arguments are clouded with pure hatred for Obama. Even if a good argument is presented, you fall back on your same arguments and hope somehow they'll win the second time around?

And no, the commercial thing was just to LOL at the fact that the latest commercial I saw from McCain said something along the lines: "Joe Biden said this about Obama: 'If Obama is put in as president, he will be tested within six months, I can guarantee it. It's going to happen... blahblahblah'. This doesn't HAVE to happen. Vote McCain!"

Oh yeah, fucking genius marketing right there. It doesn't have to happen?! Really! So McCain won't be tested either!? He'll have all these magical fixes? Oh man. Sign me up for McCain right now. But wait, why isn't he sharing these magical fixes right now if he has all the answers?! Wow, what a self-serving prick that will let his country fail if he doesn't get voted in... oh wait.

ROTFL @ what shady practices. You're right, the 2000 election was completely legit. As a matter of fact, EVERY election up to this point has been 100% legit. Not like anyone else has EVER cheated in politics before. That was my point... once again... oh, wait!

 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Mon 11-03-2008 4:48PM 
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I don't think NP, LB, etc are close minded, they just already made their decision. I could say the same thing about someone sporting 50 Obama bumper stickers and screaming change everyday. They aren't close minded just because they already chose Obama. Heck McCain was the most liberal republican running and some people still call him too conservative and crusty (read he's just not flaming liberal enough)

My thing about Obama is he is so smooth that he can talk you out of your pants. His commercials don't suck. He talks perfectly and he is well educated. It's almost like some people watching him are just star struck with the idea of him but don't really hear the words that he is saying. It's like they vote for Obama because of Obama himself and not for what he stands for.


The other thing I love about Obama is the 2nd amendment lie. He will state up and down, left and right that he firmly believes the 2nd amendment is an individual right, yet he's never once voted for anything like that while in IL and he also sided with DC in Heller vs DC. I don't know how you can side with DC and still be for individual rights. That's like siding with Wade and being pro-choice.

Don't do drugs because if you do drugs you'll go to prison, and drugs are really expensive in prison.

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 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Mon 11-03-2008 6:03PM 
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berto wrote:
LostBoyz wrote:

total destruction? no. Im not sure how that makes me close minded to think he wont be a good president.

obama is good because he has a better marketing team? or at least one that appeals to you?

and what shady practices did bush use? oh you mean the electoral college? ya what a scheme.

Yes, because I only had that in mind when I called you closed-minded. Disregarding the fact of the term closed-minded of course. Look up the term and look at the reasons you hate Obama. I don't think McCain is pure evil, but I don't disagree with him in every aspect either. Every time I hear you arguing McCain, your arguments are clouded with pure hatred for Obama. Even if a good argument is presented, you fall back on your same arguments and hope somehow they'll win the second time around?


ROTFL @ what shady practices. You're right, the 2000 election was completely legit. As a matter of fact, EVERY election up to this point has been 100% legit. Not like anyone else has EVER cheated in politics before. That was my point... once again... oh, wait!

firstly i don't hate obama, I'm sure hes a nice guy. He is involved with a lot of shady characters. People say things that oh you can make up anything about people, but I haven't heard anything shady about mccain other than he's old and him leaving his dying wife to marry into money. I don't like mccain, but the bad dosent outweigh the good. Obama's bad completely outweighs the good (the only one i see is ending the war).

and ya according to the constitution the 2000 election was legit. Seeing as how you obviously dont support the constitution i guess you could say it was bullshit.

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 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Mon 11-03-2008 7:52PM 

Joined: Thu 03-13-2008 4:38PM
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Perhaps the piper who lured all the rats (and children) out of down with the beautiful music he was playing?

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 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Mon 11-03-2008 11:41PM 
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the naked prophet wrote:
You know, assassinating Obama may be the only way he might possibly be remembered positively in history. His policies are so incredibly retarded, this country will plunge into an age of darkness that will only be remembered fondly by the most rabid mouth-frothing socialists. Like Jimmy Carter, only 10x worse. And we're still suffering effects from Jimmy Carter.

An assassination will only cause more of America to idolize him further. He's got nothing but popularity and a nice smile going for him. If you hate Obama as much as I do, the best thing is to let him finish out his term so the world can see how retarded his policies really were. And if those policies don't destroy the nation in four years (I think the possibility is at least 30%), we won't see a democrat-controlled senate, house, or white house in another 12 years.

Incidentally, I think the most likely result of an Obama win tomorrow would be that he institutionalizes the massive vote fraud he's using now. He may or may not bother covering it up - after all, it's pretty obvious right now and none of the networks have picked it up (105% of Indiana residents are registered to vote!). Any election after that will be a farce.

This has already been explained, and the reason for this is out of date voter rolls. I don't think there will be massive voter fraud. The risks far outweigh the benefits. Also both sides, as well as third parties have lawyers stationed at many polling places looking for shenanigans. I hear alot of people making some pretty ridiculous predictions, I would think most of the people here would be smarter than that but I guess not.

LostBoyz wrote:
berto wrote:
LostBoyz wrote:

total destruction? no. Im not sure how that makes me close minded to think he wont be a good president.

obama is good because he has a better marketing team? or at least one that appeals to you?

and what shady practices did bush use? oh you mean the electoral college? ya what a scheme.

Yes, because I only had that in mind when I called you closed-minded. Disregarding the fact of the term closed-minded of course. Look up the term and look at the reasons you hate Obama. I don't think McCain is pure evil, but I don't disagree with him in every aspect either. Every time I hear you arguing McCain, your arguments are clouded with pure hatred for Obama. Even if a good argument is presented, you fall back on your same arguments and hope somehow they'll win the second time around?


ROTFL @ what shady practices. You're right, the 2000 election was completely legit. As a matter of fact, EVERY election up to this point has been 100% legit. Not like anyone else has EVER cheated in politics before. That was my point... once again... oh, wait!

firstly i don't hate obama, I'm sure hes a nice guy. He is involved with a lot of shady characters. People say things that oh you can make up anything about people, but I haven't heard anything shady about mccain other than he's old and him leaving his dying wife to marry into money. I don't like mccain, but the bad dosent outweigh the good. Obama's bad completely outweighs the good (the only one i see is ending the war).

and ya according to the constitution the 2000 election was legit. Seeing as how you obviously dont support the constitution i guess you could say it was bullshit.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_R._Black,_Jr. (specifically who he lobbied for)
Boy, McCain sure is a maverick!

 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Tue 11-04-2008 1:30AM 

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"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under
the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist
program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without
knowing how it happened." - Norman Thomas 1948 (six-time U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America)

I guess I feel that this statement is all to close to coming true with Obama's talk of spreading the wealth.

Also, McCain's nuclear power plan by far kicks more ass than anything Obama has ever said regarding power. I mean McCain may be old, but at least the dude wants to build 45 more nuclear power plants in the U.S. But you know, the all powerful Obama has it all and wants to avoid the single best option that we have to limit the amount of fossil fuels used and pollution created.

 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Tue 11-04-2008 6:24AM 
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jake23l wrote:
Example... exactly why is it illegal to not wear a seat belt?

because of Medicaid and Medicare. The damage you do to yourself as a poor and uninsured motorist results in the public picking up the slack. In an effort to reduce the cost, seat belts are mandatory.

Ever get that feeling of deja vu?

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 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Tue 11-04-2008 8:26AM 
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I don't really care enough to debate all this. The shooting will start soon enough, either way. I just hope I live long enough to see fair elections reinstated in this country after what happens.

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 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Tue 11-04-2008 8:47AM 
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the naked prophet wrote:
I don't really care enough to debate all this. The shooting will start soon enough, either way. I just hope I live long enough to see fair elections reinstated in this country after what happens.

The Dems registering fake voters at best balances out the strong efforts of the GOP to disenfranchise minority votes.

I have now been banned twice. Do not mess with me. Also, you suck.

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 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Tue 11-04-2008 9:05AM 
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cmptrnrd16 wrote:
the naked prophet wrote:
I don't really care enough to debate all this. The shooting will start soon enough, either way. I just hope I live long enough to see fair elections reinstated in this country after what happens.

The Dems registering fake voters at best balances out the strong efforts of the GOP to disenfranchise minority votes.

did you really just argue "two wrongs make a right"? :roll:

BigPeeOn wrote:
Here's the deal: chemistry is the devil.
Anything beyond balancing an chemical equation is black magic.

 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Tue 11-04-2008 9:56AM 
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ShadowCat38 wrote:
jake23l wrote:
Example... exactly why is it illegal to not wear a seat belt?

because of Medicaid and Medicare. The damage you do to yourself as a poor and uninsured motorist results in the public picking up the slack. In an effort to reduce the cost, seat belts are mandatory.

its illegal to drive without car insurance in most states

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 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Tue 11-04-2008 11:51AM 

Joined: Sun 12-04-2005 2:28AM
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The thing that bothers me most about this election, is that whenever I ask people why they are voting for Obama very few have any clue about anything he does. The only two answers I seem to get are, "There is just something I don't like about McCain," or "I don't want four more years of the same thing." Way to just spout out answers you hear from douchebags on T.V. It just seems that simply because Obama is the smooth talking star candidate who is endorsed by things like MTV and Rolling Stone is the only reason people are voting for him. I honestly wouldn't care if people voted for Obama, but seriously please learn more about your candidate other than the fact that every celebrity out there loves him.

 Post subject: Re: Election '08
PostPosted: Tue 11-04-2008 12:01PM 
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Source: Holtman Hall
LostBoyz wrote:
firstly i don't hate obama, I'm sure hes a nice guy. He is involved with a lot of shady characters. People say things that oh you can make up anything about people, but I haven't heard anything shady about mccain other than he's old and him leaving his dying wife to marry into money. I don't like mccain, but the bad dosent outweigh the good. Obama's bad completely outweighs the good (the only one i see is ending the war).

and ya according to the constitution the 2000 election was legit. Seeing as how you obviously dont support the constitution i guess you could say it was bullshit.

the naked prophet wrote:
...An assassination will only cause more of America to idolize him further. He's got nothing but popularity and a nice smile going for him. If you hate Obama as much as I do, the best thing is to let him finish out his term so the world can see how retarded his policies really were. And if those policies don't destroy the nation in four years (I think the possibility is at least 30%), we won't see a democrat-controlled senate, house, or white house in another 12 years...
LostBoyz wrote:
Im with you completely

I also see what you did there, turning me into an unloyal citizen just like Bush did because it was "legit" according to the constitution. I mean, I guess if you count all the bullshit they put certain groups of voters through and all the votes they didn't count in order to sway the election in their favor, you'd be right. That does sound like the consitution... /sarcasm

Cochise wrote:
The thing that bothers me most about this election, is that whenever I ask people why they are voting for Obama very few have any clue about anything he does. The only two answers I seem to get are, "There is just something I don't like about McCain," or "I don't want four more years of the same thing." Way to just spout out answers you hear from douchebags on T.V. It just seems that simply because Obama is the smooth talking star candidate who is endorsed by things like MTV and Rolling Stone is the only reason people are voting for him. I honestly wouldn't care if people voted for Obama, but seriously please learn more about your candidate other than the fact that every celebrity out there loves him.

It's funny you mention that because every person I ask "why are you voting for mccain?" the only answers I seem to get are a) he's not a socialist or b) because I don't like Obama. At least Obama is supported by celebrities :P. I mean seriously, who would accept the backing of Bush after the shit he's done?

Funny how that works, yes?

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